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Myanmar endorses International Aid Transparency Initiative

The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has announced that Myanmar has officially endorsed the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), joining a multi-stakeholder group of 61 other members, including donor governments and partner countries, foundations, multilaterals, CSOs and NGOs, to formally become the 62nd member.

When Myanmar’s development partners are able to provide more detailed information on their projects in Myanmar, it helps those involved to better track what aid is being used for, where it is being spent and what it is achieving.

This announcement follows Myanmar’s recent participation in the 1st High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation during which which time the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development announced Myanmar’s intention to develop a fully IATI-compliant Aid Information Management System (AIMS).

With support from the European Union (EU), Myanmar’s endorsement of IATI and the development of the AIMS is yet another step forward in the country’s reform process which has at all times emphasized the need for inclusiveness, transparency and accountability.

The IATI Secretariat is delighted to welcome Myanmar as its newest member, and to continue to offer technical support in the ongoing process of development of the AIMS.