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Myanmar: Dooplaya Interview: Saw A---, August 2015


This Interview with Saw A--- describes events occurring in Kawkareik Township, Dooplaya District, prior to and including August 2015, including armed group activities, taxation and a rape case.

  • Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) collect yearly taxes from villagers such as farm, hill farm, chainsaw, lumber saw and wild yam business tax. Local villagers mentioned that the DKBA tax villagers based on the Karen National Union (KNU) taxation system which they have also been paying.

  • A DKBA soldier named Nya Kheh, under Company Commander Hsah Noo has been logging trees on a B--- villager's land without paying compensation. He also threatened villagers not to complain about what he does, by saying he would cut more trees if the villagers do so.

  • A woman named Naw C--- was raped by a DKBA soldier named Hpah Ta Roh in July 2015 in Kawkareik Township. After she was raped she was threatened by Hpah Ta Roh not to report the rape to the village head or anyone else therefore the case had not been resolved at the time of the interview.