The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in 185 countries.
GLIDE: TC-2008-000057-MMR
Period covered by this Operations
Update: 10 September to 27 October 2008.
Appeal target: CHF 73,987,907 million (USD 72.5 million or EUR 45.9 million)
Appeal coverage: 76%;
Appeal history:
- 8 July 2008: A revised Emergency Appeal was launched for CHF 73.9 million (USD 72.5 million or EUR 45.9 million) to assist 100,000 households for 36 months.
- 16 May 2008: An Emergency Appeal was launched for CHF 52,857,809 (USD 50.8 million or EUR 32.7 million) to assist 100,000 households for 36 months.
- 6 May 2008: A preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched for CHF 6,290,909 (USD 5.9 million or EUR 3.86 million) to assist 30,000 households for six months.
- 5 May 2008: CHF 200,000 (USD 190,000 or EUR 123,000) was allocated from the International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF).
- As of 17 October, more than 280,000 households (1.4 million beneficiaries) have been reached with non-food relief items.
- Major relief distributions have concluded.
- Recovery implementation continues with the focus on village tract assessments, village tract recovery plans and village tract recovery committees.
Contributions to the Appeal to date
Partners which have made contributions to the appeal to date include: American Red Cross/American government, Australian Red Cross/Australian government, Austrian Red Cross, Belarusian Red Cross, Belgian Red Cross/Belgian government, British Red Cross/British government, Canadian Red Cross/Canadian government, Red Cross Society of China - Hong Kong branch and Macau branch, Cook Islands Red Cross, Cyprus Red Cross/Cyprus government, Danish Red Cross/Danish government, Finnish Red Cross/Finnish government, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Hellenic Red Cross, Icelandic Red Cross, Irish Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Republic of Korea Red Cross, Kuwait Red Crescent/Kuwait government, Lithuanian Red Cross, Luxembourg Red Cross/Luxembourg government, Malaysian Red Crescent, Monaco Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross/Netherlands government, New Zealand Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross/Norwegian government, Philippine National Red Cross, Portuguese Red Cross, Qatar Red Crescent, Singapore Red Cross, Slovak Red Cross/Slovak government, Spanish Red Cross/Spanish government, Sri Lanka Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross/Swedish government, Swiss Red Cross/Swiss government, Taiwan Red Cross Organization, Turkish Red Crescent, United Arab Emirates Red Crescent and Vietnam Red Cross Society. Contributions have also been received from the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Directorate General (ECHO), the Italian, Estonian and Slovenian governments, Total Oil Company, Stavros Niarchos Foundation and Tides Foundation.
The International Federation, on behalf of the Myanmar Red Cross Society, would like to thank all partners for their very quick and generous response to this appeal.