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Myanmar cyclone 2008: Work report no. 03


Tropical Cyclone Nargis struck south-western Myanmar on 2 May 2008. Official government sources continue to report: 84,500 people dead and 53,800 people missing. Around 2.4 million people have been affected according to the United Nations. The International Red Cross continues to support the communities affected by the Cyclone. The shift frim relief to recovery activities is taking place. Recovery programmes such as psychosocial support to ensure the emotional recovery of those affected and programmes to create income for families whose livelihoods have been destroyed are implemented.


- Following a preliminary appeal on 7 May 2008, a revised Emergency Appeal was launched on 8 July 2008, seeking HK$565.5 million for 500,000 beneficiaries for three years. The appeal is 77% covered.

- In response to the International Appeal, the Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC) has mobilized HK$14.7 million to support emergency relief activities including the procurement of 2,000 shelter kits and 200 first aid kits. To date, more than HK$20 million has been raised from the public in Hong Kong.

- An estimated 260,000 households have been provided with emergency relief, water, sanitation, shelter and health support. With the support of over 10,000 volunteers, over 2,600 metric tons of relief items were delieverd. Relief distribution continues to 21,900 households in additional communities which were not supported previously.

- Emergency shelter has been provided to over 80,000 households. The shelter items include tarpaulins and building tools etc.

- 80,000 litres of safe drinking water for 5,345 households (26,725 beneficiaries) were provided and more than 61 ponds and 16 wells were cleaned

- Basic health assessments and health education trainings, including hygiene promotions, have been conducted in all 13 townships.

- 200 first aid/health education posts across Ayeyarwady are being established.

- 304 Red Cross volunteers received booster training in emergency health care and hygiene promotion. Multiplier training is being conducted in nine townships.

- Health promotion activities conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Health have reached 10,000 indirect beneficiaries

- 25 volunteers have received Training of Trainers education in basic psychosocial support

- 80,000 households will be selected for livelihoods activities.

- Currently 27 expatriate delegates from the International Red Cross are supporting the relief work in Yangon and the delta.

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