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Myanmar: Aid from Malaysia delivered to people in Maungtaw

Aid including food, water and commodities donated from Malaysia were distributed yesterday morning throughout Kyeekanpyin, Wabeik, Maungnama, Sanpyapharwutchaung, Nganchaung and Laungdone villages by Rakhine State Minister for Security and Border Affairs Col Htein Linn, officials from Regional, District and Township Administrative Committees, and officials from UN and UNHCR Departments. Rakhine State Minister for Security and Border Affairs Col Htein Linn went on to explain, “The aid we received today was received by the nation and handed over to the Rakhine Region Government. This systematic distribution of the aid is of immense help to the region’s stability. This stability cannot be achieved without participation from local residents, it also requires dutifully following guidelines set by responsible officials in charge.” Officials from UN and UNHCR then clarified on the aid received, records of items received, and the continuing distribution process. Of the aid donated from Malaysia 6,000 bags of rice, 1,846 cartons of instant noodles, 975 cartons of drinking water, 100 cartons of toothpaste, 36 cartons of toothbrushes, 94 cartons of towels, 35 cartons of balm, 562 cartons of soap detergent, 22 cartons of soap bars, 8 cartons of combs, 139 cartons of women’s essentials, 50 cartons of razors, 9 cartons of nail clippers, and 50 assortment of footwear were distributed throughout Maungtaw District, Sittway, Pauktaw and Myebon townships.—Aye Mya (Mandalay), Aye Min Thu