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Myanmar Acute Watery Diarrhea / Cholera Outbreak - External Situation Report 4th edition (2024), Published on 25 September 2024


This report summarizes the situation as of 23 September 2024.

Situation Overview


• After 25 August 2024, no official data on AWD cases and deaths were shared publicly. WHO also has not received the relevant data.

• A total of 3 421 hospitalized cases of acute watery diarrhea (AWD) including 160 cases with severe dehydration were reported in Yangon Region from 24 June to 25 August 2024, by the ministerial authorities for health.

• Information from open sources suggests AWD cases are on the rise again in some townships such as Hlaingtharyar.


• According to the ministerial authorities for health, from 4 to 25 August 2024, a total of 235 hospitalized AWD cases including 63 cases with severe dehydration were reported in Sittwe, Rakhine.

• According to the early warning and response systems (EWARS) supported by the Health Cluster in Myanmar:

o In the epidemiological week 38 (15-21 September 2024), a total of 5 AWD cases were recorded, 72% decrease compared the week 37 (8-14 September 2024). The AWD cases with severe dehydration deceased to two in the week 38.

o The substantial decline of AWD cases was observed after the week 35 - approximately 300 or more AWD cases had been reported for five consecutive weeks (week 31 to week 35, or 28 July – 3 August 2024), with 20 – 30 AWD cases with severe dehydration per week. The reasons for sudden decrease of AWD cases are not well understood.