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Mu Traw District Incident Report: A villager stepped on landmine planted by the SAC in Lu Thaw Township, January 2024



This incident report describes the events that occurred in Lu Thaw Township, Mu Traw District, in January 2024. On January 24th 2024, a villager from Ab--- village, Ler Muh Plaw village tract, Lu Thaw Township, stepped on a landmine planted by the State Administration Council (SAC) in Aa--- Place in Ler Muh Plaw village tract, and was severely injured. Following the incident, he was taken to Ac--- clinic, administered by the Karen Department of Health and Welfare (KDHW), in Naw Yoh Hta village tract, where his leg was amputated. The victim is a farmer who made a living from hill farming, so he was unable to farm after his leg was amputated and had to rely on the support of family members.[1]

Part 3 – Complete Description of the Incident

Describe the Incident(s) in complete detail.

On January 24th 2024, at 9:45 am, a villager from Ab--- village, Ler Muh Plaw village tract, Lu Thaw Township, Mu Traw District, named Saw A---, stepped on a landmine planted by the State Administration Council (SAC). At the time, Saw A--- and five of his friends were going together to search for a [suitable] place to do hill farming for the next year. He stepped on the landmine at Aa--- Place [, near Ab--- village], in Ler Muh Plaw village tract, and was injured on his left leg.

According to Saw A---: “The type of landmine was an M-14. I knew it [type of landmine]. Burma [Army] soldiers use it [such type of landmine]. Its colour is green. It is called M-14. The enemy….Burmese [Burma Army soldiers] planted it”. The victim claimed that this landmine was planted by Burma Army soldiers [as the type of landmine is used by Burma Army soldiers] but he was not sure why Burma Army soldiers planted it. There is a Burma Army camp called Htaw Muh Pleh Meh army camp [where Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) #92 is based,] located close to Ab--- village, Ler Muh Plaw village tract.

After Saw A--- was injured by the landmine, his friends helped him and transported him to Ac---’s clinic [administered by the Karen Department of Health and Welfare (KDHW)[6]], in Naw Yoh Hta village tract, Lu Thaw Township. On January 25th 2024, at 10:30 am, Saw A---’s leg was amputated at the clinic. He received medical treatment free of charge.

Saw A--- is a farmer who did hill farming for his living. After he got injured, he faced many challenges [like difficulties to work or travel as before]. He depends on his siblings who support him for his living.