This incident report describes the events that occurred in Lu Thaw Township, Mu Traw District, in January 2024. On January 24th 2024, a villager from Ab--- village, Ler Muh Plaw village tract, Lu Thaw Township, stepped on a landmine planted by the State Administration Council (SAC) in Aa--- Place in Ler Muh Plaw village tract, and was severely injured. Following the incident, he was taken to Ac--- clinic, administered by the Karen Department of Health and Welfare (KDHW), in Naw Yoh Hta village tract, where his leg was amputated. The victim is a farmer who made a living from hill farming, so he was unable to farm after his leg was amputated and had to rely on the support of family members.[1]
Part 3 – Complete Description of the Incident
Describe the Incident(s) in complete detail.
On January 24th 2024, at 9:45 am, a villager from Ab--- village, Ler Muh Plaw village tract, Lu Thaw Township, Mu Traw District, named Saw A---, stepped on a landmine planted by the State Administration Council (SAC). At the time, Saw A--- and five of his friends were going together to search for a [suitable] place to do hill farming for the next year. He stepped on the landmine at Aa--- Place [, near Ab--- village], in Ler Muh Plaw village tract, and was injured on his left leg.
According to Saw A---: “The type of landmine was an M-14. I knew it [type of landmine]. Burma [Army] soldiers use it [such type of landmine]. Its colour is green. It is called M-14. The enemy….Burmese [Burma Army soldiers] planted it”. The victim claimed that this landmine was planted by Burma Army soldiers [as the type of landmine is used by Burma Army soldiers] but he was not sure why Burma Army soldiers planted it. There is a Burma Army camp called Htaw Muh Pleh Meh army camp [where Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) #92 is based,] located close to Ab--- village, Ler Muh Plaw village tract.
After Saw A--- was injured by the landmine, his friends helped him and transported him to Ac---’s clinic [administered by the Karen Department of Health and Welfare (KDHW)[6]], in Naw Yoh Hta village tract, Lu Thaw Township. On January 25th 2024, at 10:30 am, Saw A---’s leg was amputated at the clinic. He received medical treatment free of charge.
Saw A--- is a farmer who did hill farming for his living. After he got injured, he faced many challenges [like difficulties to work or travel as before]. He depends on his siblings who support him for his living.