To understand the effects of political instability, COVID-19, and other shocks on Myanmar’s agricultural input sector, a phone survey of 252 input retailers throughout the country was conducted in July 2022.
Key findings
Input prices during the 2022 monsoon growing season were substantially higher than a year prior, especially for urea (91 percent higher) and for compound fertilizers (75 percent higher).
Despite large disruptions in transportation and currency exchange, inputs were generally available. However, because of rising prices, input sales dropped sharply relative to 2021. Input retailers have attributed their drop in sales to rising transportation charges, political instability, changing demands, and, alarmingly, a decline in acreages planted by farmers.
The decline in fertilizer sales appears to be especially severe in the Delta region, which accounts for about half of Myanmar’s monsoon paddy production. In contrast, aggregate fertilizer sales quantities increased slightly in the Hills region due to high maize prices and export demand.
Looking forward
As a result of price increases and sales declines for inorganic fertilizer, perhaps most severe in the major rice growing regions, Myanmar may see declines in paddy production in the 2022 monsoon season, a large concern given rice’s importance in diets nationwide and for rural incomes.
One positive development has been the return of in-person bank transfers as a method of payment, but otherwise there is little sign of relief in the input retail sector as problems with high transport costs and credit availability are likely to continue. Providing farmers with advice on nutrient management practices and fertilizer use efficiency is highly recommended to help maintain profitable yields under the constraints of high fertilizer costs.
- International Food Policy Research Institute
- Copyright © International Food Policy Research Institute