The MIMU 5W gathers inputs from participating humanitarian and development agencies on Who is doing What,
Where, When and for Whom across Myanmar. It is normally conducted every 6 months and provides information on agencies’ activities at various levels (village/village tract/township, and IDP camps).
In total, 209 agencies participated in the March 2022 round of the MIMU 5W, providing information on their humanitarian and development activities across 22 sectors and 157 sub-sectors as defined by technical/sector working groups. 5W reporting is quite comprehensive for projects of INGO, UN and Red Cross agencies, but there is underreporting of activities for local NGOs and CBOs, since not all are participating. Note that Agencies must report to a sufficiently detailed level (village or camp level) for their work to be reflected fully in the MIMU 5W products.
This Overview describes projects reported as under implementation in Kachin as of March 25th, 2022. Further information on planned and recently completed projects is available from the 5W dataset, which can be requested by 5W Partners. Projects under implementation can also be viewed on our interactive dashboards - [5W Township Dashboard)[] and 5W Village Tract Dashboard.
1. Organisations active in Kachin State as of March 25th, 2022
A total of 73 agencies reported activities in Kachin state: 39 are engaged in Development-focused projects (358 village tracts/towns), 28 are engaged in support to other vulnerable groups (not IDP related, 260 village tracts/towns), 30 are engaged in activities which target IDP and Host Communities (230 village tracts/towns and 107 camps) and 27 are active in IDP-focused activities (65 village tracts/towns and 140 camps). IDP-related projects were reported in a total of 140 camps or camp-like settings.
A total of 166 projects were reported in Kachin State: 41% of the projects involve work with IDPs (68 IDP & Host Community or IDP-only focused projects), and 59% have a focus on other populations (98 Other Vulnerable Groups and/or Development-focused projects).
Non-IDP focused projects (Other Vulnerable Groups and/or Development activities):
59 organisations reported 98 village or township-based projects under implementation in 447 village tracts/towns. The majority are implemented by INGOs. Most of the reported projects are in Momauk (49 village tracts/towns), Chipwi (41), Mohnyin (40), Waingmaw (38), Mansi (34), Bhamo (33), Myitkyina (31), Mogaung (29) and Khaunglanhpu (20).
IDP & Host Community and IDP-only focused activities:
41 organisations reported 68 projects under implementation in 243 village tracts/towns and 140 IDs camps. The majority are implemented by INGOs and UN agencies. Most of these projects are in Waingmaw (34 village tracts/towns and 34 camps), Momauk (32 and 14), Bhamo (31 and 9), Mogaung (27 and 8), Mansi (24 and 11), Mohnyin (24 and 4), Myitkyina (15 and 25), Hpakant (13 and 21).