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MIMU 3W - August 2018 Countrywide Overview



  • What is the 3W

  • Availability of 3W products

  • Village + Camp level Results

  • Who, What, Where

  • Summary by Sector

  • Limitations and Challenges

  • How can my agency participate

What is the 3W

The “Who does What Where” database, or 3W, is a tool which tracks the implementation of humanitarian and development projects to support coordination, planning and efficient use of resources. In Myanmar, the 3W is compiled by the Myanmar Information Management Unit every six months based on reports provided voluntarily by contributing agencies.

The 3W shows - which organizations (WHO), are carrying out which activities (WHAT), in which locations (WHERE), project status – whether planned, ongoing or completed (WHEN), project beneficiary focus – whether IDP focused or focused on other vulnerable communities.

The 3W provides information at a number of different levels:

  • (WHO) Organizations are disaggregated by agency type - UN, International and National NGOs, Community-based organizations, Border-based Organisations (BBOs), Red Cross agencies, as well as Donors and Embassies directly implementing interventions.

  • (WHERE) The location of activities to State, Township, Village Tract and Village/Camp level.
    The MIMU 3W describes projects at village level (online mapping, data files), at Village Tract level (sector- and sub-sector static maps, village tract dashboard), and at township levels (township implementation and technical assistance dashboards and sector-level static maps and tables). All of these products can be found on the MIMU website The Myanmar 3W uses Place codes (Pcodes) – or unique location identifiers – to combine data from different source. The Sep’17 3W is based on the Aug 2015 MIMU P-code release (Version VIII) which provides unique P-codes and standard English transliterations of names for settlements across the country as well as IDP camps/sites in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan (North).

  • (WHAT) Activities are presented at Sector and Sub-sector levels. This 3W covers 22 sectors, classified into 154 separate sub-sectors. Sector/sub-sector definitions have been defined by the sector/cluster working groups or, where there is no such established group, through consultations with groups of individuals working in the specific sector.

  • (WHEN) Project status and timeframe. The MIMU 3W also notes whether the project is planned, ongoing, suspended (indicating longer term suspension for a variety of reasons) or completed at the time of the 3W analysis.

To note that the MIMU 3W reflects the spread of the agencies’ activities. It DOES NOT reflect the extent to which needs are covered.