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Market Analysis Unit: Market Price Report - Southeast Myanmar (April 2024)


The MAU tracks market prices in Southeast Myanmar. Data are collected from three vendors per product per market in the last week of each month. The data include prices from Demoso (village), Hpapun (Kamamaung), Hsihseng (main), Kawkareik (main), Loikaw (main), Pekon (main), and Taungoo (Nat Htet). Data are available online at


  • Prices rose sharply in Taungoo and Demoso in April, but other markets monitored saw relative price stability;

  • Vegetable prices rose 10-40% as seasonal supply fell, with eggplant and long bean recording the largest price increases

  • Meat/fish prices rose in Taungoo in April, but they were largely stable in other markets monitored;

  • Hygiene product prices rose 10% in some markets, and price increases were particularly large in Demoso;

  • Many prices remained 40-70% above last year, as April price increases largely tracked with price trends at this time last year;

  • Route closures will continue to raise transport costs and increase the price of goods in Kayin State, especially as road quality worsens in monsoon season.

Product-Level Price Changes

Essential Foods – Rice prices were a bit lower in April, although other essential food prices rose in some markets. Rice prices fell 10-20% in several markets in April, although prices for pulses and cooking oil were stable. The exception was Hpapun, where rice prices rose 3-5%. Cooking oil prices rose 8-9% in Demoso and Hpapun while holding stable elsewhere.

Vegetables – Vegetable prices rose 14-37% in April as seasonal supply shifted. Prices for eggplant, long bean, watercress, and green chili rose at least 14% across markets, and prices often doubled in Taungoo. By contrast, garlic and onion prices were stable in three of five markets monitored.

Meat and Fish – Meat and fish prices rose in Taungoo while holding stable or falling elsewhere. Prices for dried fish, fish paste, chicken, and pork increased sharply in Taungoo, but they were stable or 6-17% lower elsewhere. Shrimp and fresh fish prices rose 25% in Demoso but they were stable elsewhere.

Hygiene Products – Prices for hygiene products rose sharply in Taungoo and Demoso, but they were mixed elsewhere.
Prices for hygiene products rose 20-33% in Demoso in April, and they rose 10% or more in Taungoo. Prices for hygiene products were stable in Pinlaung in April, and they fluctuated in Pekon and Hpapun.

Other NFIs – NFI prices spiked in Demoso and Taungoo, but they were stable in Pekon and Pinlaung. Most NFI prices monitored climbed 20-50% in Demoso and 32% or more in Taungoo in April. Some NFI prices did fall in these markets, such as charcoal and cooking pots in Taungoo and longyis in Demoso. NFI prices were exceptionally stable in Pekon and Pinlaung in April, except for cooking pot prices which fell 38%.