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Malaysian aid for Rakhine arrives in Myanmar

A ship filled with food and supplies from Malaysia docked in Yangon yesterday, with the aid to be delivered to two communities in conflict areas in northern Rakhine State, said Dr Win Myat Aye, the Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement.

“We will send the aid to northern Rakhine by navy ships and we will distribute the aid to conflict areas in cooperation with Rakhine Government,” said Dr Win Myat Aye at the press conference held shortly after the arrival of the Malaysian ship.

The delivery comes after the Malaysian ambassador in Yangon asked the government to accept the aid as they want to donate to the two communities in northern Rakhine, according the Union minister.

Shortly after the Nautical Aliya, which was carrying 2,300 tonnes of food, medicines, daily essential goods, bottled water, clothes and blankets worth more than US$247,900 from Malaysia, docked at the Thilawa Port in Yangon, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malaysia Dato Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican handed over the aid to Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye.

The Myanmar government has already expressed the country’s readiness to accept humanitarian aid, which comes to the country through diplomatic channels, urging the donors to deliver the aid to both communities in Rakhine in a fair and balanced manner.

—Myanmar News Agency