The Government of Japan, under its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) Scheme, has granted US$ 94,937 for The Project for Construction of Nga Pyay Ma Village Basic Education High School in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago Region.
The handover ceremony of the project took place in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago Region on 18th October, 2017. Ms. Atsuko KUSUNOSE, Third Secretary of the Embassy of Japan, U Khin Maung Yin, Speaker of Bago Region Hluttaw, U Maung Maung Lwin, Minister for Development and Social Affairs of Bago Reigon, and the officials from Education Department of Nay Pyi Taw and Bago Region, committee chairperson, committee members of the construction project, and local residents attended.
As the number of students had significantly increased recently, Nga Pyay Ma Village Basic Education High School had been struggling to accommodate them in 3 existing buildings. Therefore, students had been studying in congested classrooms. To tackle this issue, the Government of Japan, under its GGP scheme, has provided funding for construction of a one-storey Reinforced Concrete building with 6 classrooms and full furniture. The project benefits 697 students and 18 teachers of the school.
The Government of Japan has assisted 820 various grass-roots projects in Myanmar under the GGP scheme since 1993: the number consisting of 396 education projects, 199 healthcare projects, 139 public welfare and environment projects, 51 infrastructure projects and 35 other projects. It is anticipated that these assistances will further strengthen the existing friendly relations between Japan and Myanmar.