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Guidance Note for Service Providers Working with Victims of Human Trafficking during COVID-19 in Myanmar [EN/MY]


Purpose and Use

The purpose of this document is to provide a reference tool to support service providers, including civil society organisations, directly working with victims of human trafficking to adapt their case management service provision in the context of COVID-19. This guidance note will not cover the details of human trafficking case management and it assumes that users of this note already understand and are familiar with human trafficking case management and the case management guiding principles.1

Human Traffcking and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting communities worldwide, disrupting State functions, economic activities, and livelihood options, as well as family and social networks, including in areas already impacted by crisis prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. People previously less at risk of trafficking may become victims as a result of the pandemic while vulnerabilities of persons already at risk of trafficking may be further exacerbated.