Flash flooding continues to wreak havoc across Burma this week claiming three lives and leaving a path of destruction.
Three people have been killed in the floods in Magwe Division, central Burma and an estimated 8000 people across the country have lost their homes or experienced damages, said Phyu Le Le Tun, director of the Disaster Risk Management Department.
“A villager from Yaypotegyi village died after being caught in the strong currents when a creek bed broke in the village. In Saku Township, a child fell from their house into the flood water and died and in Minhla, a man died while he was trying to cross the creek,” she confirmed.
Some motorways in Magwe Region has been flooded and a bridge on Pathein-Monywa road was destroyed due to heavy rain.
Naing Win, head of the Road Management Department in Magwe Region, told DVB on Wednesday, “Yesterday evening a bridge on the Pathein-Moywa road at milepost 331 collapsed. The 80 feet long bridge completely broke. . .We cannot do anything over the bridge at the moment.”
Some roads in Magwe, Minbu and Thayet districts cannot be passed as they are also submerged in water.
In Magwe district, vehicles can not travel on the Pyawbwe-Kan Pyar road, .but the Naypyitaw- Kan Pyar and Taungdwingyi-Nat Mauk roads can be accessed, although there is a low level of slow current water.
“ In Minbu district, Minbu-Amm road cannot be used at Laybin as a landslide occurred on Padan-Saw road,” added Naing Win.
Moreover, sections of Minbu-Ta Nyaung and Salin-Saytotetara roads have been flooded.
Magwe Region’s Road Management Department released a statement confirming that all roads in Pakokku and Gantgaw districts can be used for transport and the department has positioned engineers at drainage culverts and some risky places to assess the situation of the area.”
Some townships in Magwe Region such as Pwint Phyu, Saku, Minhla, Thayet and Kanma have experienced the biggest destructions, and the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement is providing emergency relief for victims, said Phyu Le Le Tun
The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology announced in its weather forecast that the monsoon is continuing over the Bay of Bengal so rain will be widespread across the country in the upcoming days.