Different state and regional PPD staff are conducting survey for fall armyworm on various crops in their regions since 14 August 2018. The team from the head office of PPD, DOA, Myanmar, conducted surveys for fall armyworm on maize in Myin Gyan Township, Myin Gyan District, Mandalay Region, on 19th - 20th December 2018 and Hinthada Township and Zalon Township, Ayeyawaddy Region on 4th - 5th January 2019 based on information reported by respective regional PPD, DOA staffs. Within the observed maize fields, the whorls of maize plants attached with egg masses, larva and their frass, windowing and many shot holes on young plants as well as paper dolls symptoms on older leaves were found . Moreover, the characteristics of the observed larvae were matched exactly with the characteristics of the Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda larvae in different literatures (Diedrich Visser et al. 2017; B.M. Prasanna et al. 2018; CABI 2018). For identification and confirmation, the egg masses and larvae were collected from the field and brought to the laboratory and reared at Fruit Fly Management Laboratory of PPD, Insein Township, Yangon, Myanmar. The larval stages and emerged adults were positively identified by Entomologists from PPD head office, DOA, based on external morphological characteristics using available keys and description (OEPP/EPPO 2015)as fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda. The pictures of egg masses, larvae, adults, affected leaves and plants and cobs were also sent to USDA/APHIS and USAID/DC expert as well as IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) via Ms. Swe Mon Aung, Agricultural Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Embassy, Yangon and the experts confirmed that it is fall armyworm. The regional DOA staff are conducting survey continuously for fall armyworm to cover the whole country.