SDC Humanitarian Aid (HA)
The Swiss Confederation’s Humanitarian Aid is active since 1994 in the Myanmar context (the country itself including the refugee camps in Thailand), which became since 2001 a priority for SDC/HA with the presence of a Regional Humanitarian Coordinator responsible for SDC/HA activities in Thailand and Myanmar.
In the Medium Term Programme 2010 -12 SDC/HA goals are to restore and improve the living conditions and reduce vulnerability of people at risk. SDC/HA supports projects with the following objectives:
Access to and quality of social infrastructure and networks among vulnerable communities in the Ayeyarwady Delta (Cyclone Nargis), in Eastern Myanmar as well as in/around the Myanmar refugee camps in Thailand are improved.
Food and livelihood security of internally displaced persons (IDPs), host communities and ex-poppy farmers in Eastern Myanmar as well as Myanmar refugees in Thailand are improved.
About one million people are currently direct beneficiaries and the overall annual budget of SDC/HA in the Myanmar context amounts to approx. CHF 6 million (additional budget of CHF 3.6 million for emergency and early recovery support following Cyclone Nargis 2008/09). A programme office was established in Yangon in 2008.