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Drilling success in Magway will provide water for 1,400 villagers

A successful tube well that struck water in a village in Magway Region on Tuesday will provide sufficient drinking water to about 1,400 villagers.

The success at finding water is the latest achievement of the KBZ’s Brighter Future Myanmar Foundation, which has been drilling tube wells nationwide.

The tube well at Asansa Village in Magwe Region also became the 154th one drilled with British-made Dando drilling machinery by the philanthropic foundation.

“The drilling struck the water at the depth of 520 ft and water gushed out at the rate of 3,600 gallons per hour,” said an official of the BFM.

Before the latest success, the foundation also found success in drilling a tube well at a monastery in Pinlaung Township, Northern Shan State, when the water gushed out with 2,000 gallons per hour at the depth of 400 ft.

Meanwhile, the foundation has provided water bowsers to philanthropic groups nationwide assisting in supplying water to areas facing scarcity of water in dry season.

The foundation also donated a 3,000-gallon bowser to Saytanna Shin Philanthropic Group in Tada Oo Township on 9 May.

BFM has already donated 38 bowsers to philanthropic associations so far.

Thura Lwin (Eco)