Ongoing violence and insecurity in Rakhine State prompts nearly 655,000 people to flee to Bangladesh
Access constraints impede delivery of assistance to conflict-affected populations in Burma
USG provides additional $7.6 million to support nutrition activities for refugees in Bangladesh
Insecurity and military operations in Burma’s Rakhine State have prompted approximately 655,000 people to flee to neighboring Bangladesh since August 25, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The new arrivals join nearly 213,000 predominantly Rohingya refugees who fled Burma prior to August, bringing the total number of Burmese refugees in Bangladesh to nearly 868,000 people.
Ongoing violence in Burma’s Kachin and Shan states has resulted in deteriorating humanitarian conditions and prevented the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to areas of origin, the UN reports.
In early December, USAID/FFP provided approximately $7.6 million to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to support nutrition programming in Bangladesh. Through the new contribution, the UN agency will provide ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF) to 69,000 children experiencing severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and conduct communitybased interventions to manage acute malnutrition.