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Myanmar + 2 more

Burma and Bangladesh - Regional Crisis Response Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2020



  • Tropical Cyclone Matmo causes no major damage in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps

  • Relief agencies continue to provide emergency assistance to vulnerable populations in Rakhine despite humanitarian access constraints and insecurity


  • On November 9 and 10, Tropical Cyclone Matmo—known locally as Cyclonic Storm Bulbul—made landfall over southwest Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh led an efficient response to storm damage and did not request international assistance. Although the storm did not directly pass over Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar District or cause significant damage to camp infrastructure and shelters, the effects of the storm resulted in minor damage to an estimated 170 refugee household shelters. Local relief actors, including U.S. Government (USG) partners, responded to the affected refugees’ needs across Cox’s Bazar’s camps.

  • The Government of Burma officially launched its national strategy on internally displaced person (IDP) camp closures on November 19. The international community continues to analyze the document for adherence to the key humanitarian principles of free, informed, and voluntary IDP movements.