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Assessing Gender in Resilience Programming: Myanmar (January 2016 Issue no. 2.3)


Melanie Hilton, Yee Mon Maung and Virginie Le Masson

This case study is one of four commissioned by BRACED to assess the links between resilience and gender in partners’ projects. It documents approaches used to promote gender equality within the BRACED Myanmar Alliance, as well as the latent challenges and opportunities in this process.

Key Messages

  • The BRACED Alliance in Myanmar aims to shift community-level power dynamics, by increasingly integrating women into decisionmaking structures, building their economic security and honoring their leadership abilities.

  • The project will also inform and drive strategic policy interventions on women’s empowerment within climate change and DRR narratives.

  • However, gender transformation is a slow and dynamic process. Three years of resilience programming is not enough time to recast social norms that have crystallized over decades.

  • Gender transformation requires us to redefine gender roles and identities and to assess the concurrent monitoring and evaluation of changing social, political and economic trends as well as how communities respond to this process.

  • The Myanmar Alliance can set the foundation and pave the way to build climateresilient communities where women equally drive sustainable development practices