Floods have affected at least 14 IDP sites and townships in Rakhine State since 17 June. According to Camp Management Committees, rising waters have submerged shelter and latrines in Taung Paw IDP camp in Myebon Township, and Kyauk Ta Lone camp in Kyaukpyu Township. Both camps together host around 4,000 IDPs. Floods have also affected the Rat Chaung camp in Myebon Township hosting some 400 IDPs and Mya Ta Zaung camp in Mrauk U Township hosting 1,100 people. Elderly people, children and pregnant women in the Rat Chaung have reportedly been evacuated to a nearby monastery. Ahead of the monsoon season, OCHA and partners have prepared a contingency plan and stock list in support of the Rakhine State Government.
14 affected IDP sites
Locust infestations in Southwest Pakistan are seeing a decline as a result of control operations and migration of locusts swarms to summer breeding areas along the Indo-Pakistan border. In Western Rajasthan, India, the locusts swarm is moving back and forth at the border area to Pakistan. However, the lack of monsoon rain is favouring the movement of the spring-bred adult swarms further east into several states of northern India. With the onset of the monsoon rain the swarms are likely to return to Rajasthan to breed. Pakistan and India are expected to continue facing challenges with the beginning of summer breeding in July. To prevent desert locusts upsurges, FAO conducts monitoring, early warning and control operations in both countries.
On 21 June, Mount Merapi, located on the Island of Java in Indonesia, erupted twice and spewed volcanic ash which reached heights of 6,000 meters and was blown westwards. Communities in the affected areas are advised to stay alert of volcanic mudflow which can be triggered by rainfall. The local disaster mitigation agency warned people to keep out of a 3-km exclusion zone around Mount Merapi.
Flooding in Southeast Sulawesi continues to displace local populations. In Konawe, overflowing rivers temporarily displaced 2,000 people / 1,100 households. The local government declared an emergency response phase from 17 to 30 June and provided basic relief assistance.
2,000 people displaced
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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