Yangon (ICRC) – Today, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) completed a first round of assistance for people affected by violence in Kachin state.
Throughout the month of February, it distributed surgical and other medical supplies to facilities in the state that provide care for people who are wounded or sick. The distributions took place both in government-controlled territory and in areas under the control of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).
In accordance with discussions held last month between Myanmar's president, Thein Sein, and the ICRC's president, Peter Maurer, the ICRC also explored avenues for possible long-term support for medical facilities in Kachin state.
In Rakhine state, in addition to providing medical assistance for victims of inter-community violence together with the Myanmar Red Cross Society, the ICRC is upgrading health-care facilities and working to restore access to health care in several affected townships. Elsewhere in the country, it produces prostheses for mine victims and other amputees.
For further information, please contact: Nyunt Ohn, ICRC Yangon, tel: +95 941908699