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ACAPS Briefing Note: Myanmar - Flooding in Mrauk-U Township, Rakhine State Briefing note – 15 July 2019


Heavy rainfall during Myanmar’s monsoon season resulted in the Laymyo River overflowing at the beginning of July. By 14 July, all of the more than 3,400 people living in the IDP camp of Sin Baw Kaing village, Mrauk-U Township, were affected, and had to be relocated.

The camp residents, displaced by fighting in Rakhine between the Myanmar Army and the Arakan Army group, were already poor conditions and are in need of humanitarian assistance, particularly shelter and NFIs.

Anticipated scope and scale

Monsoon season in Myanmar is in its early stages, and Laymyo River is known to overflow frequently, affecting residents in Mrauk-U as well as damaging farmland.

On 14 July, the water level of Laymyo River had risen further above danger level, and was expected to continue for the next two days.

There are more than 180,000 residents in Mrauk-U Township, and an increase in flooding has the potential of affecting a higher number of people across the Township, including other IDP camps in the area.

Last year, some 12,000 people were displaced across Rakhine because of raining and overflowing of Laymyo River.

Humanitarian constraints

Due to active conflict, a night-time curfew is in place since April 2019 in Mrauk-U, limiting movement and access to services, particularly to healthcare. Internet access remains shut down since 21 June, and aid organisations have reported disruption to their activities. State authorities restrict humanitarian access to parts of Mrauk-U, particularly to rural areas.