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WFP Mozambique – Food Price Bulletin June 2023, Research Assessment and Monitoring (RAM) Unit


Key highlights

❖ Maize prices have eased in all locations compared to May 2023 due to the fresh harvest available from the current season, except in Manica, where prices increased by +11.6 percent.

❖ Vegetable oil prices in June 2023 decreased in all the provinces compared to last year’s prices, except in Zambezia, where an increase of +15.0 percent was observed. Compared to last month’s price, Tete has presented a considerable increase of +19.7 percent but remains the province with the lowest price for the current month of June 2023.

❖ With prices on the rise, the purchasing power1 of Mozambicans has been experiencing a downward trend. The purchasing power is keeping almost at the same level as of May 2023 till June 2023. The purchasing power was at 3.48 Kg during April 2023; however, it was 3.68 kg for May 2023 and again slightly reduced to 3.61 kg in the current month due to a slight price increase in the Central region nevertheless, being the harvest season and food availability being expected in high quantities, a spike increase of +8.2 percent was observed in June 2023 on the food basket cost in Northern region compared to June 2022, contrary to the Central and Southern regions where some slight decrease was observed.

❖ For most of the primary food commodities, Niassa, followed by Cabo Delgado, Zambezia, Manica, and Tete, showed a higher instability in prices compared to other provinces. The need for the diversification of supply channels for Mozambique remains a concern to tackle the impact on its supply which was heavily dependent on Ukraine, Russia, and its neighbouring countries.