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WFP Mozambique Country Brief, November 2024


In Numbers*

3,088 mt of food distributed

US$ 327,467 cash-based transfers made**

US$ 211 million six months (December 2024 - May 2025) net funding requirements, representing 74 percent of total requirements

713,805 people assisted in November 2024

Emergency Response

Northern Mozambique displacement crisis

• In November 2024, WFP continued providing emergency assistance in response to the conflict in Cabo Delgado. It marked the first month of the November-December distribution cycle, reaching 154,080 people (30,816 households) with general food assistance, representing 30 percent of the overall plan for the cycle.

• This included emergency support for new displacements through the Joint Response Plan, in coordination with UNICEF and IOM, with WFP providing emergency food assistance to 253 households in Chiure district.

• In Nampula, WFP provided food assistance to 6,540 refugees in Marratane Camp.

El Nino response

• In November, food assistance continued in response to drought in five southern and central provinces, reaching 216,740 people in November 2024 (87 percent of the plan). Heavy rains prevented full target reach.


• In November 2024, a total of 2,153 children under five received Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food, and 1,825 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls received Super Cereal for the management of moderate and severe acute malnutrition.

• During the November distribution of the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program, 2,414 children under two were reached in Macomia and Mocímboa da Praia district.

Climate Change Adaptive Food Systems

• As part of the Kufungula Muae (KM) project, implemented in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, 15,000 young farmers, particularly women, received insured seeds for maize, cowpeas, and peanuts in the Cuamba and Metarica districts of Niassa province.

• In Sofala, as part of the Climate Resilient Food Security for Women and Men Smallholders project, conservation agriculture training was provided to 5,508 farmers, focusing on practices such as minimal soil disturbance, and retaining crop residues to improve moisture retention and soil fertility. Additionally, 152 Village Savings and Loan Association groups were guided on transitioning to loan repayment with interest. Climate information dissemination reached 5,598 farmers, advising them on flood-risk mitigation and resilient farming techniques.

• Through the Green Climate Fund project, Climate-Resilient Food Security project, in Tete Province, climate information reached 10,744 farmers via extension networks and radio. To enhance outreach in remote areas, 60 communication kits, including megaphones and USB drives, were distributed. WFP Mozambique participated in COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, as part of Mozambique’s delegation, alongside Government, UN, civil society, and academia.