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WFP Mozambique Country Brief, March 2018


In Numbers

1,654 MT of food assistance distributed

US$ 346,626 in cash based transfers

US$ 1.8 unmet funding requirements for MarchAugust 2018, representing 9% of total requirements for the period.

237,799 people assisted in March

Operational Updates

• Around 300 people including school children, teachers, cooks and community members attended the celebrations of the Africa School Feeding Day on the 1st of March in the district of Mandlakazi in Gaza Province. The event focused on the African Union theme of the year: “Realizing African Children’s Full Potential through Effective Home-Grown School Feeding”. WFP is supporting the Ministry of Education (MINEDH) in improving access to education, enrolment, attendance and completion rates in primary education, particularly for girls through the provision of school meals.

• WFP and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) are collaborating to reduce undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. On 15 March 2018, MIC together with the Inspeccao Nacional das Actividades Economicas (INAE) announced the enforcement of legislation on food fortification through the removal from the market of all food products not in compliance with legislation of food fortification.

• The Livelihoods for Durable Solution Project is being implemented in Nampula, Marratane Camp, in partnership with UNHCR, FAO and UN-HABITAT and the National Institute for the Support to Refugees (INAR). The programme is intended to enable asylum-seekers and refugees in Maratane to become more self-reliant and integrated into the local community through a market based approach for both agricultural and non-agricultural value chain strengthening.

• A Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) project is underway in Manica province to improve child health and nutrition by increasing awareness through adoption of key behaviours in malaria prevention, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), maternal care and nutrition, hygiene and sanitation.

• UNICEF and WFP are jointly responding to an increase in the prevalence of acute malnutrition among Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) and children aged 6 to 59 months in 18 highly vulnerable districts in Cabo Delgado, Tete, Zambezia and Manica.