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WFP Mozambique Country Brief, December 2024


In numbers*

2,837 tons of food assistance distributed

USD 41,592 cash-based transfers made**

USD 211 million six months (January 2025 - June 2025) net funding requirements, representing 82% of total requirements

424,965 people assisted in December 2024

Emergency response

Northern Mozambique displacement crisis

• In December 2024, WFP continued emergency assistance in response to the Cabo Delgado conflict, reaching 497,374 beneficiaries with general food assistance during the NovemberDecember distribution cycle.

• Emergency support for new displacements was provided through the Joint Response Plan, with WFP, in coordination with UNICEF and IOM, assisting 7,870 individuals in the Chiure district.

• In Nampula, WFP provided food assistance to 7,580 refugees in Maratane Camp.

El Niño response

• In December, WFP reached 52,855 people under its El Niño response, 23 percent of the planned 250,000, due to access issues caused by post-electoral unrest in Sofala, Manica, and Tete Provinces.

Cyclone Chido response

• WFP provided emergency food assistance to around 500 families in Pemba less than 24 hours after the landfall of Cyclone Chido on 15 December. Over the month, WFP assisted 45,380 people with food assistance in in the most affected districts of Cabo Delgado: Pemba, Mecufi, Chiure, Metuge, and Ancuabe.


• In December 2024, a total of 2,302 children under-5 received readyto-use supplementary food, and 1,023 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls received Super Cereal for the management of moderate and severe acute malnutrition. Assistance is provided to all 17 districts in Cabo Delgado province and Erati district in Nampula province, covering a total of 111 health facilities.

• During the December distribution of the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme, a total of 1,464 children under two were reached in Macomia and Mocímboa da Praia district.

Disaster Risk Management/Financing

• In December, WFP in collaboration with INGD, activated anticipatory actions for Cyclone Chido in Nampula, reaching 400,000 people with early warning information, supporting the evacuation of 70 people, and providing food assistance.

• Cyclone Chido triggered the first ARC Replica payout of USD 3,125,650, received less than two weeks after landfall.

• WFP also continued drought-related anticipatory actions in triggered districts, including early warning messages, agricultural asset creation, and water management support, while finalizing climate vulnerability targeting with INAS for anticipatory cash transfers in early 2025.

UN Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS)

• In December, UNHAS transported 11,809 passengers and 38 metric tons of humanitarian cargo. 43 organizations benefitted from UNHAS services.