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WFP Mozambique Country Brief, August 2024


In Numbers*

2,826 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 705,007 cash-based transfers made**

USD 153.5 million six months (September 2024 - February 2025) net funding requirements, representing 68% of total requirements

607,862 people assisted in August 2024

Emergency Response

• Northern Mozambique displacement crisis: i) In July-August, WFP assisted 442,970 beneficiaries in Cabo Delgado with general food assistance, representing 107 percent of the plan. Although the Ibo district was not originally planned, distributions took place in response to recent attacks. ii) WFP reached 47,740 newly displaced individuals with emergency rations. iii) Humanitarian assistance in Macomia during this cycle remained suspended due to security issues.

• El Nino response: i) Through Food Security Cluster Coordination, complementary interventions are being identified to ensure a coordinated response. Ii) Discussions with the Food and Agriculture Organization and other partners are focused on integrating seed distributions and animal health interventions.


• In August 2024, a total of 5,610 children under five received Ready-toUse Supplementary Food, and 2,197 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls received Super Cereal for the management of moderate and severe acute malnutrition.

• During the July - August cycle of the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program, a total of 7,938 children under two were reached in Nangade, Muibumbe and Mocimboa da Praia district.

• Integrated mobile brigades were conducted between August in Cabo Delgado and Nampula. In August a total of 693 children were screened for acute malnutrition, while 40 were diagnosed with Moderate and Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and treated. In addition, 434 children under five received Vitamin A, 403 were dewormed, and 1071 were vaccinated.

Climate Change Adaptive Food Systems

• In August, 400 people attended a field day in Maringue, including senior government officials and up to 30 delegates from each of the 19 communities involved in the project, showcasing over 15 types of crops and livestock. This event highlighted efforts to improve livelihoods using Participatory Integrated Climate Services (PICSA).

• From 19-22 August, a Training of Trainers on the PICSA tool was held in Pemba for 11 government staff, facilitated by National Meteorology Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, WFP, and the University of Reading. These trainees will train extension workers for the 2024/25 farming season in Mocímboa da Praia.

Social Protection

• WFP has been supporting the government’s COVID-19 response plan through the shock responsive social protection programme PASD-PE (Direct Social Support Programme – Post Emergency). In August, WFP prepared for mobile cash transfers to 136,998 vulnerable households in Nampula, including staff training and planning with local authorities. In Niassa, WFP reached 37,314 households in early 2024 and aims to assist an additional 4,577 before concluding operations.

• WFP continues to provide capacity strengthening support to the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Action, the National Institute of Social Action and National Institute for Disaster Risk Management to enhance the shock responsiveness of the national social protection system. This involves supporting inter-institutional coordination via the Anticipatory Action Support and Preparedness Working Group secretariat and preparing for the next Anticipatory Action activation to enhance national systems and social safety nets.