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United Nations appeals for US$13.6 million to assist 300,000 flood victims in Mozambique

Press Release IHA/696 - 20000223
Geneva-New York, 23 February 2000

  • The United Nations today issued an Inter-Agency Appeal to address the devastation caused by recent floods in Mozambique which is considered to be the worst in 30 years. The United Nations is appealing for US$ 13.6 million in order to provide emergency assistance over the next six months to some 300,000 people affected by the floods. Priority areas for assistance include food aid, health, shelter, water and sanitation and repairs to basic infrastructures such as schools. The Secretary-General, who remains deeply concerned by the desolation caused by the floods, has called on the international community for a generous response to this appeal.

The government of Mozambique estimates that up to US$ 50 million will be required over time to address the worsening flood situation. In addition tot he response of the United Nations, the International Federation of the Red Cross and other NGOs are also providing assistance, particularly in the shelter sector.

Ms. Carolyn McAskie, Emergency Relief Coordinator a.i., emphasized that "it is imperative to speed up the delivery of assistance to Mozambique at this critical stage to prevent the loss of more lives, additional damage to essential infrastructure and the spread of disease". She also highlighted the fact that "this tragedy has hit Mozambique at a time when it is still on the long road to recovery from years of conflict."

For further information please contact:
Donato Kiniger-Passigli, OCHA, Geneva (tel.: 917 2653)
Phyllis Lee or Rosa Malango, OCHA, New York (tel.: 963 4832/2380)
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