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UNICEF Mozambique Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3, July-September 2024



  • In northern Mozambique, 577,545 people remain displaced and 610,732 people returned to their areas of origin.
  • UNICEF and partners supported a measles vaccination campaign in 17 districts reaching 1,692,394 children to help stop the current outbreak.
  • Over 900,000 children under five were screened for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 23,836 have received treatment with UNICEF support.
  • UNICEF provided WASH supplies in 65 schools, reaching about 72,470 students and teachers.
  • 960 unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) benefited from family tracing and reunification services supported by UNICEF.
  • Over 2.1 million people received life-saving messages related to polio prevention and campaigns in 45 districts in four affected provinces.

Situation in Numbers

  • 301,363 children displaced by conflict (IOM July 2024)
  • 2,300,000 people in need (OCHA December 2023)
  • 577,545 Conflict-related internally displaced people (IOM July 2024)
  • 610,732 People returned to areas of origin (IOM July 2024)