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UMCOR Hotline: Mozambique 17 Mar 2000

UMCOR staff and United Methodists from annual conferences that have partner relationships with churches in Mozambique met this past week to develop ongoing flood response plans. In the coming weeks UMCOR will focus on providing clean water in a sustainable way, and reestablishing agriculture. Five more water purification units (see photo) will be sent, with the help of the Soros Foundation, and additional units will be shipped in the future. Bishop Machado has reported to UMCOR that these units are critically needed. UMCOR will also be sending seeds, tools, and helping to provide livestock. Please give generously to the Churchwide Appeal for Flood Recovery in Mozambique and Neighboring Countries, Advance


One hundred percent of your gift goes to this emergency. The generous giving of United Methodists to the One Great Hour of Sharing supplements the cost of Advance gifts. Give through a local United Methodist church or send financial contributions to: UMCOR, 475 Riverside Dr., Room 330, New York, NY 10115. Call (800) 554-8583 to make a credit card donation.

Medicine boxes are critically needed for Mozambique. If you are interested in the Medicine Box project, please call 212-870-3683 for further information, order a Medicine Box kit from the Service Center (800) 305-9857, or get the kit on the web at .

Volunteers will be needed in Mozambique in approximately two months. These will be arduous assignments with very basic living arrangements. Please call the volunteer line at (800) 918-3100 to register your interest.

Please remember to take the One Great Hour of Sharing offering on April 2, 2000. This offering provides the basic support for UMCOR and its ministries. For offering resources call 1-888-UMC-3242.

United Methodist Committee on Relief
Room 330, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115
Voice Phone: 212-870-3816; FAX: 212-870-3624