An UMCOR consultant in Mozambique reports
that local United Methodists have been trained to operate the water purification
units sent by UMCOR (see photo). There are two units currently in the country
and four more on the way. Well-digging is a priority in the recovery work
as the need for clean water will remain critical. UMCOR will also help
provide seeds, tools, livestock and mobile medical clinics.
With funds from UMCOR, the United Methodist
Church in Mozambique will purchase rammed-earth block-making machines to
use in rebuilding homes destroyed in the floods. These are the types of
machines UMCOR provided in Central America for the rebuilding following
Hurricane Mitch. Please give generously to the Churchwide Appeal for Flood
Recovery in Mozambique and Neighboring Countries, Advance #156500-0.
Medicine boxes are critically needed for Mozambique. Please call 212/870-3683 for further information, or order a Medicine Box kit from the Service Center (800) 305-9857, or get the kit on the web at
Gifts may be made through local United Methodist Churches, or by calling (800) 554-8583. Credit card donations are accepted at that number. (Read more about how you can help UMCOR's emergencies responses.)
Please remember to take the One Great Hour of Sharing offering on April 2, 2000. This offering provides the basic support for UMCOR and its ministries. For offering resources call 1-888-UMC-3242. Resource ordering information is here. UMCOR has also opened a new page with stories written especially for OGHS.
Please pray for all who suffer from natural and human-made disasters, hunger, and poverty.