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UMCOR Hotline - Mozambique

UMCOR continues to respond to the catastrophic flooding in Mozambique. Worse flooding is expected over the next few days as rivers beginning in other countries continue to pour waves of floodwater into Mozambique. UMCOR has sent $80,000 to the United Methodist Church in Mozambique as well as a shipment of relief supplies, including high-capacity water purification units.
An additional shipment left the UMCOR Depot March 2 with health kits, emergency food rations, mosquito netting units and oral rehydration salts. Millions of dollars will be needed to provide relief supplies and assist the people of Mozambique as they recover over the next several years. Please give to UMCOR Advance #156500-0.

Health kits will be needed to replenish the Depot supplies and for future shipments to Mozambique and other areas of the world. Call the Depot at (800) 814-8765 for health kit assembly and shipping instructions. Information is also available on the following UMCOR web page: Kit

Gifts may be made through local United Methodist Churches, or by calling (800) 554-8583. Credit card donations are accepted at that number.

UMCOR Hotline:

United Methodist Committee on Relief
Room 330, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115
Voice Phone: 212-870-3816; FAX: 212-870-3624