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Southern Africa flood disaster

Floods and cyclones destroy Mozambique's food security
Torrential rains and flooding in Southern Africa have left hundreds of thousands of families homeless, and caused widespread destruction of crops and livestock. In just one week, Mozambique had the equivalent of two years' rainfall, the former Portuguese colony's worst flooding for 40 years. According to latest updates, Cyclone Eline has hit the Gaza, Sofala and Inhambane provinces, destroying houses, roads, bridges, factories, schools and health care facilities. The Limpopo and Save rivers continue to rise, and heavy rain is predicted until the end of March.

The government has appealed for $13 million from the international community to help people affected by the floods, and a further $50 million for the country's reconstruction. Mozambique has been in recovery from drought, famine and two decades of war ending in 1992. This disaster is likely to set this recovery back years, and make Mozambicans dependent on emergency aid for at least six months.

Community Aid Abroad in Mozambique

Community Aid Abroad has been working in Mozambique since 1986, with a regional office in capital Maputo since 1988. Much of Community Aid Abroad's work has been in emergency response during the 20 year war. Now Community Aid Abroad is running a multi-million dollar food security program - with support from AusAID - assisting people to recover from the war. Community Aid Abroad and the other Oxfams working in the region, including Oxfam Great Britain and Oxfam Belgium, are responding with a co-ordinated approach.

You can help

Community Aid Abroad is taking donations for Oxfam's work in response to the Mozambique floods. Australian residents can donate by calling 1800 088 110: readers outside Australia should contact their local Oxfam.