ON DECEMBER 11TH, 2024, an unknown number of non-state armed group (NSAG) members attacked the community of Minguelewa in the Muidumbe district, killing 2 civilians, wounding another, and setting several houses on fire. Local authorities reported that the attack triggered the displacement of approximately 1,156 households from Minguelewa to the IDP sites in Lutete, Miteda, Matambalale, and Muambula in the Muidumbe district, in addition to the Ntamba IDP site in the Nangade district, and the community of Josina Machel in the Mocimboa da Praia district.
In response to these events, a Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) alert was issued, and a Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) was conducted in Ntamba by the RRM team of Solidarités International to identify the most urgent needs of the displaced population. This document presents the key findings of the assessment.