The durable solutions assessment conducted in 2020 (R1) amongst displaced communities in resettlement sites indicated prevailing needs for specific humanitarian assistance, protection as well as challenges in local integration. In order to compare and evaluate progress made towards achieving sustainable solutions for internally displaced populations (IDPs) in Central Mozambique, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and Mozambique’s National Disaster Management Agency (INGD) conducted further community consultations in Buzi district (Sofala province) in July 2023.
The current analysis (R2) focuses on one of the three solution pathways (resettlement) – building on the information and knowledge gained by IOM following Cyclone Idai and successive natural disasters between 2019 and 2023 (including Tropical Storms Chalane and Anna as well as Tropical Cyclones Gombe and Freddy). IOM recognizes that achieving durable solutions is a long-term, complex process which may take years. It requires a concerted and coordinated effort from all levels of government, partners, communities, and individuals. Displacement is not linear and solutions which are found, may not be durable. IDPs may continue to use a range of mobility strategies as coping mechanisms due to their displacement as they attempt to find greater stability.
Under the IASC Framework, durable solutions for displaced communities relies on the centrality of human rights and are comprised of eight specific criteria: long-term safety and security; adequate standard of living; access to livelihood and employment; access to effective and accessible mechanisms to restore housing, land, and property; access to personal and other documentation; family reunification; participation in public affairs; and access to effective remedies and justice. All indicators were selected from the Interagency Indicator Library and, as such, align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as the UN Secretary General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement6.
Guided by the International Recommendations for IDP Statistics (IRIS) and the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce (DSID,2023), this report aims at informing targeted interventions in key areas of concern and provides initial evidence for programming which can be catalytic to move towards local integration of displaced communities in central Mozambique. By integrating a quantitative and qualitative approach, the report provides an opportunity for the voices of IDPs to be heard focusing mainly on the first five criteria to achieve durable solutions. The goal is to foster a comprehensive grasp of the situation and facilitate collaborative, evidence-based, decisionmaking regarding further solutions programming.