Maputo, February 20, 2013 - A total of 114 people have been killed in flood-related incidents in Mozambique that are affecting the country since late last year.
According to national authorities, Gaza is the province with the highest number of deaths recorded since October last year, totalling 44 cases. Of these, 37 occurred this year, when the province was battered by rains and flood waters from the neighbouring highland countries, severely overflowing its waterways, flooding residential areas, business and agricultural produce.
Other deaths were resisted in Nampula, Inhambanhe and second most hit Zambezia province where the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) is still warning people to remain on alert as it is raining with some intensity upstream and rivers are already flooding.
The Government has provided US$10 million in aid, and another US$5.3 million has been released by the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund, in addition to bilateral, non-governmental and faith-based in-kind contributions and financial assistance. The Humanitarian Country Team in Mozambique – composed of UN and non-governmental organisations – requires a total of US$30.6 million for relief operations.
Relief plans outline immediate short-term funding needs including access to clean water and adequate sanitation, shelter, food, health care and protection. The plans also include establishing schools and health care services, as well as initiatives to restore livelihoods as people return, rebuild their homes and start work and agricultural production again.