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Mozambique: UNHCR Fact Sheet, July 2022


Mozambique hosts 28,943 refugees and asylum-seekers. Violence by non-state armed groups (NSAGs) combined with natural disasters, resulted in more than one million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) cumulatively in northern and central Mozambique.

Recent attacks in northern Mozambique caused the additional displacement of more than 83,900 persons. On 31 March 2022, UNHCR declared the second Level-2 Emergency for Mozambique in the last four years.

UNHCR and partners work closely with the local authorities to provide protection and assistance to the displaced persons. UNHCR is advocating for the social inclusion of IDPs and refugees and stressing that returns must be safe, voluntary, dignified and based on informed decision.


Security situation in Cabo Delgado

  • The security situation in Cabo Delgado remains unstable. The prevalence of attacks in Ancuabe district has caused hundreds of families to flee to neighbouring districts, which requires more humanitarian support.
  • Military operations involving Mozambican and foreign troops are ongoing, with military forces deployed to Ancuabe district in response to the ongoing attacks there.
  • Despite the volatile security situation, humanitarian activities continue. UNHCR is working closely with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), Clusters, and partners to ensure a coordinated response to assist newly displaced families. In addition, UNHCR is working with provincial authorities to provide additional support in the areas of Protection, Shelter and CCCM.


  • UNHCR and the partner, Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM), provided 780 persons from displaced and host communities with access to civil documentation in the Chuiba and Pemba districts of Cabo Delgado.
  • UNHCR and its partner HelpCode identified 355 families containing individuals with specific needs in the Mueda district of Cabo Delgado. UNHCR coordinated with its partners for referral of services for the identified individuals.
  • UNHCR trained 60 Protection Focal Points (PFPs) in Chiure and Montepuez districts on PSEA, Early Marriage, and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) referral mechanisms as part of UNHCR’s community volunteers training to reinforce awareness raising. Also, to increase community awareness, UNHCR distributed Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials on GBV and PSEA to its partners.
  • Community activists of partner, Doctors with Africa (CUAMM) and UNHCR PFPs, reached 1,604 persons in Cabo Delgado, including displaced persons from the attacks in Ancuabe to raise awareness on PSEA and GBV, including sexual violence survivor support.
  • In Metuge district and Pemba City, UNHCR’s partner, the Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI) and UNHCR PFPs, conducted home visits to 54 persons with specific needs to deliver psychosocial support. In Ancuabe, Chiure, Mecufi, and Metuge districts, UNHCR’s partner, Plan International and UNHCR PFPs, conducted home visits to 80 persons to disseminate child protection awareness.
  • On 31 July, UNHCR, its partner Doctors with Africa (CUAMM), and the government Social Action Service, organized activities to celebrate the Pan African Women’s Day in Pemba with 110 women and girls from displaced, host, and refugee communities. The activities also served to introduce the participants to the new UNHCR women and girls’ safe spaces and GBV services in Pemba.
  • On 28 July, UNHCR and the government of Mozambique assisted the voluntary return of 20 Burundian refugees from Maputo to Bujumbura, Burundi who were well received upon their arrival.