Latest data on the impact indicate that Gombe affected at least 736,015 people (148,253 families), caused 63 deaths and injured 108 people, mostly impacting on Nampula and Zambezia provinces and, to a lesser extent, Sofala, Beira,
Tete and Niassa provinces. -
While the number of people affected has significantly increased, the number of displaced people hosted at accommodation centers has declined and it now stands at 14,119 people.
Inter-agency assessments have been completed in Nampula province and are expected to be completed in Zambezia province early next week.
Considering the overstretched resources and ongoing humanitarian crisis in the northern region, further financial support to cover the unfolding needs is urgently needed.
Situation Overview
According to the latest data from the Institute for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (INGD), to date, Gombe affected at least 736,015 people (148,253 families), caused 63 deaths, and injured 108 people. While the number of people affected has significantly been increasing, the number of displaced people hosted at accommodation centers has declined from more than 23,000 to 14,119 people, indicating that people have started returning to their homes as flood waters recede. The number of accommodations centers established by the Government has decreased from 49 to 34.
As information on the impact of the cyclone is being collected, the magnitude of the damage to infrastructure continues to increase. A total of 141,854 houses have been partially damaged or totally destroyed along with 69 health centers, 1,458 classrooms (affecting 143,904 students), 2,764 electricity poles and 12 water systems. A total of 91,177 hectares of crops have been lost with grave concern for the food security outlook of the affected areas.
A total of 1,008 km of roads have been severely damaged; the National Road Administration was able to complete emergency repair work on the north-south highway (EN1) that connects Zambezia province to Nampula province which reopened to road to traffic on 23 March. On 22 March, the Mozambique Electricity Company (EDM) succeeded in reconnecting the district of Ilha de Moçambique, in the north of the country, to the national electricity grid, from which it had cut off when Tropical Cyclone Gombe made landfall earlier this month.
The figures on the impact on people and infrastructure are likely to increase further. Multisectoral needs assessments were completed in Nampula province this week while in Zambezia will be finalised early next week.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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