Downpours due to the Tropical cyclone Dineo resulted in flooding in additional areas. Recently, the Met services alerted that rains will continue and the water in rivers will further increase, which would result in overflooding and therefore affecting new areas in addition to the ones affected by the cyclone. Gaza province (the districts of Chibuto, Guja and Chokwe) is the most affected where 1,743 households have been reported affected and 1,313 houses destroyed. The affected population has moved to safer areas, but their houses were flooded, as well as 13,477 hectares of crops were inundated. This update proposes a review of the DREF timeframe, scope and budget, to allow the CVM to provide assistance to the newly affected population and finalise the procurement process for replenishment of the items distributed by the National Society during the initial response to the cyclone Dineo. Therefore, the NS is asking for a second allocation of CHF 128,406, which would result in a total budget of CHF 241,938, and the implementation period, to provide support to a total of 1,500 households, to be extended to 4 months.
A. Situation analysis Description of the disaster
On 15 February 2017, a strong cyclone moved from Indian Ocean landed and hit the Southern coastal part of Mozambique bringing with it strong winds exceeding 100km/hr, rough sea and torrential rains. According to MTOTEC (satellite imagery, surface analysis, and storm system information for the South West Indian Ocean cyclone basin), the storm evolved from severe tropical storm to Category III Tropical Cyclone and reclassified as Ex-Dineo, affecting much of Inhambane province.
• 19 February: four accommodation Centres opened in Districts of Maxixe and Inhambane City.
• 19 to 20 February: Mozambique Red Cross(CVM) and volunteers joined the National Committee for disaster management for a joint assessment in the affected areas. The CVM conducted assessment in Inhambane City, Jangamo and Vilanculos.
• 24 February: The Government officially published the estimated figures of the cyclone’s effects (112.207 affected households, 548,566 affected people, 6,506 affected vulnerable households, 33,014 houses totally destroyed, 62, houses partially destroyed, 7 deaths, 15 people severely injured and 85 minor injuries).
• 18 February: a DREF allocation of CHF113, 532 was approved by the IFRC to support the CVM to conduct assessment and monitoring, and assist 1,000 households in emergency shelter.
• 28 February: as the heavy rains continued, Limpopo river overflowed its riverbed that resulted in inundating surrounding areas and communities and floods in agricultural areas. According to INGC, a total of 1,743 households have been affected, 1,313 houses totally destroyed, and 7 deaths recorded.
• 2 March: the distribution process started in Massinga and Morrumbene districts of Inhambane province to respond to the needs caused by the cyclone.
Summary of current response
Overview of Host National Society
In view of the projected needs, and after analysing demands on its capacity, the Mozambique Red Cross (CVM) has requested assistance from the IFRC to support its current response and preparations for scaled-up assistance related to the effects of the cyclone and its aftermath. IFRC together with CVM launched an operation response through support from the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF). The support is aimed at initial response including mobilization of Red Cross personnel, preposition relief supplies and specialized equipment. This enabled CVM disseminate alerts to the affected population, initiate rapid needs assessments and immediate distribution of relief supplies. CVM mobilised its volunteers and staff to provide rapid and efficient assistance to the population.
At the National level, the NS has participated in the coordination meetings, organised by the INGS and attended by other several humanitarian actors. The CVM is a member of shelter cluster and plays a big role in shelter assistance and strategic orientations.
After the distribution, CVM kept the community volunteers in the intervention zones to continue monitoring of shelter use and sensitization.
For Gaza, the volunteers involved in the assessment sessions are from the affected zones and stay there for monitoring, beneficiary identification, sensitization activities on hygiene promotion, awaiting the distribution phase.
The NS is continuously monitoring the situation and is following up with other key partners such as the Government and IOM. CVM is exploring partnership opportunities with IOM and ShelterBox to distribute more shelter kits in other locations and to explore possibilities to raise awareness among beneficiaries related to safe shelter is disaster prone areas.
During the Coordination meeting held on 22 March, all partners convened to improve coordination both at National and provincial levels.