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Mozambique - Tropical cyclone DIKELEDI, update (GDACS, IOM DTM, UN OCHA, NOAA Southern Africa) (ECHO Daily Flash of 20 January 2025)

  • Tropical cyclone DIKELEDI made landfall over the coastal Nampula province, north-eastern Mozambique on the morning of 13 January and passed over the eastern area of the province on 13-14 January. Its passage caused very heavy rainfall resulted in casualties and severe damage.
  • As of 17 January, the National Institute for Disaster Risk Management and Reduction (INGD) reports that tropical cyclone DIKELEDI has left 249,787 affected people (49,407 families), 11 deaths, 47,216 damaged or destroyed houses and 43 health centres and 154 schools damaged.
  • Over the next 72 hours, heavy rainfall with locally very heavy rainfall is still forecast over most of Mozambique, except over the southern area.