On 15 December 2024, tropical cyclone CHIDO brought torrential rainfall exceeding 250 mm in 24 hours and winds up to 120 km/h. According to the National Institute for Disasters’ Management (INGD), as of 24 December, 453,971 people have been affected, with 120 fatalities and 868 injuries, over 102,000 houses completely or partially destroyed along with 250 schools and 52 health centres.
Mozambique is simultaneously grappling with compounded challenges of a drought affecting 1.4 million people; ongoing conflict affecting 1.3 million people and a cholera outbreak that has so far affected 302 people and caused 29 deaths.
On 9 January, UN OCHA released a multi-sectoral Flash Appeal for tropical cyclone CHIDO targeting 320,000 people amounting to USD 88 million. The most critical needs are Food, WASH and Shelter.
With multiple crises to address, the humanitarian response remains severely underfunded as only 13% of the Emergency Drought Appeal and 39% of the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan have been covered.