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Mozambique: Humanitarian Situation Report, July-September 2017



  • Mozambican meteorological services (INAM) forecast moderate to high risk of flooding between January-March 2018, particularly in parts of south, central and northern provinces of Mozambique. In response, UNICEF will be implementing a number of actions to strengthen CO preparedness, including working with Government to develop the National Contingency Plan in the weeks ahead.

  • As of September 2017, UNICEF and partners have screened 497,061 children for malnutrition and treated 26,941 suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 45,034 with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM). The trend in admissions for SAM and MAM continues to decline with August data showing a cure rate of 77.4 per cent which is within SPHERE standards.

  • The results of the production and quality tests of water points indicate 32 out of 68 originally anticipated points are feasible for upgrading into solar powered multi-use water supply systems.
    Additional boreholes/communities will be assessed for rehabilitation to meet the beneficiary needs.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

After two consecutive years of failed rains, particularly in the southern and central provinces of Mozambique, the August Southern Africa Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-21) projects normal to below normal rainfall for the period October, November and December (OND) for northern and central Mozambique, and normal to above normal rainfall for central parts of the country during the period January, February and March (JFM) 2018.

The results from the calibration/interpretation of the 2017-2018 hydrometeorological projections conducted by the National Institute for Meteorology (INAM) are consistent with the projections of SARCOF for the same period OND, with INAM’s projections indicating normal to above normal rainfall in the central regions of the country and normal to below normal for Cabo Delgado and Niassa in the north. While for the period JFM 2018, INAM projects normal to above normal rainfall in the central regions (Tete, Zambezia and large parts of Manica and Sofala), and normal to below normal for Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane and north of Cabo Delgado provinces (see figure 1, right).

The risk for flooding based on the hydrological forecast is moderate to high during the months of JFM 2018, particularly in parts of south, central and northern provinces. UNICEF is working internally to strengthen its emergency preparedness (flood and cyclone preparedness) through the implementation of a number of recommendations from the internal after-action review (AAR) exercise as well as with the Government in the development of the National Contingency Plan.

The latest IPC Acute Malnutrition (AMN) projections for the period from May to September 2017 indicate that the food security and nutrition is likely to improve in some districts in central and northern provinces of the country.