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Mozambique + 2 more

Mozambique: Humanitarian Situation Report, April 2017



  • From January until the end of March 2017, 276,238 children, under the age of five years, have been screened for acute malnutrition, of which 19,151 children with severe acute malnutrition were admitted to nutrition treatment programmes.

  • UNICEF, in partnership with CARE, has built 26 Tarp-a-tents as temporary learning spaces (TLS) benefiting 2,600 children affected by Tropical Cyclone Dineo which made landfall in Inhambane.

  • In March, UNICEF received a contribution of US $400,173 from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to support the education interventions impacted by Cyclone Dineo.

  • The Governments of Ireland and Italy contributed a combined total of US $426,912 to support cyclone recovery interventions in the sectors of health, water and sanitation and education in Inhambane.

Situation in Numbers

795,000 Children affected by drought

160,000 Students affected by Cyclone Dineo

2,100,000 People food insecure (IPC Phase 3) (SETSAN December 2016)

145,040 People targeted by UNICEF WASH

189,000 Children targeted by UNICEF Nutrition and Health interventions

55,000 Children targeted by Education and Protection interventions

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

The seasonal year 2016/2017 was atypical for Mozambique. It was characterized by an El Niño-induced drought, floods in some parts of the southern and central regions of the country, a cyclone making landfall in Inhambane, conflict driven internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Manica and Sofala, and cholera outbreaks throughout the country. All of these issues required coordinated multi-sectoral interventions with strong leadership from UNICEF. Although officially the emergency season in Mozambique (October-to March), ended in March and coincided with the rainy/cyclone season, there are still clear humanitarian and recovery needs to be addressed, particularly in the context of IDPs, Education, Health and WASH.

The cholera outbreak in Maputo, Nampula and Tete provinces is practically under control. There are however reports of an increased influx of returnees from Malawi and Zimbabwe into Tete and Manica provinces. In response, UNICEF is participating jointly in an IOM-led displacement tracking matrix (DTM) exercise in Manica to monitor the implementation progress of UNICEF supported interventions to IDPs and to assess evolving needs.