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Mozambique floods: urgent appeal

The floods hitting Mozambique are the heaviest in over 40 years. The destruction of key roads, bridges, health posts and schools have affected around 800,000 children and adults.
With many people now homeless, problems related to health and sanitation - such as malaria, diarrhoea and scabies

  • are on the increase. The threat of cholera and meningitis also hangs over the worst affected areas.

There have been heroic efforts by many Mozambican people to help others in distress. But right now, as one of the world's poorest countries, they need help.

Save the Children has been working there since 1984. In response to this crisis we've started to distribute emergency kits containing essential relief items.

Your donation will help the children and their families recover from these devastating floods now and help us to continue to provide long-term support.

£15 helps us to provide essential clothes for children and adults

£45 helps us to supply emergency kits containing plastic sheeting, buckets, cooking utensils, crockery and blankets