Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) estimates 1,187,265 individuals have been affected by the first and second landfall of Tropical Storm Freddy across Inhambane, Gaza, Zambezia, Sofala and Tete, Niassa and Manica provinces. As of 25 April 2023, rapid assessments across top-affected Postos in Sofala (Caia, Chemba, Chiramba, Cupanga, Marromeu, Mulima, Murraça, and Sena), Niassa (Cuamba, Insaca, Lione, Lunho, Mandimba) Tete (Charre, Doa, Inhangoma, and Nhamayabue), Manica (Amatongas, Bazua, Cafumpe, Gondola, Guro, Inchope, Mungari, Nguawala, Nhacafula, Nhacolo and Nhamagua) and Zambezia (Alto Molcue, Milange, Molumbo, Namacurra, Nante, and Nicoadala) report at least 542,770 individuals/ 143,207 families affected as well infrastructure damages to 177 schools, and 41 health centres.
Within these assessments 146,071 houses are reported as completely or partially destroyed. Approximately, 103,244 houses are located in Zambezia province (62,096 in Namacurra, 25,437 in Nicodala, 8,897 in Milange, 12 in Alto Molocue, and 6,802 in Nante postos), 29,789 houses are located in Sofala province (1,933 in Caia, 781 in Chemba, 42 in Chiramba, 2,145 in Chupanga, 1,070 in Marromeu, 89 in Mulima, 20,742 in Sena, and 2,987 in Murraça postos), 9,414 houses are located in Tete ( 2,202 in Doa, 6,899 in Inhagoma, 140 in Charre, and 173 in Nhamayabue Postos), 3,098 houses are located in Manica (729 in Nhamagua, 221 in Bazua, 498 in Guro, 712 in Mungari, 83 in Nhacafula, 140 in Amatongas, 97 in Cafumpe, 316 in Gondola, 93 in Inchope, 77 in Nguawala, and 132 in Nhacolo postos) and 370 houses are located in Niassa province (370 in Mandimba posto). The most cited priority needs in these most severely affected postos are for Agricultural assistance/Food aid, closely followed by Shelter/NFIs . The priority need for WASH is slightly lower than for the previous two sectoral needs.
Furthermore, 37,967 individuals (11,750 families) remain displaced across 19 active accommodation centres/temporary displacement locations in Inhambane, Tete, and Niassa.