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Mozambique : Floods Operation update n°2 MDRMZ010


Period covered by this Ops Update: 15 February to 15 March, 2013 Appeal target (current): CHF 2,044,428

Appeal coverage: 31% < click here for updated donor response report, here for contact details >

Appeal history:

  • A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched on 1 February 2013 for CHF 662,337 in cash, kind or services to support the Mozambique Red Cross Society (CVM) in giving assistance to 15,000 beneficiaries for 6 months

  • Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 300,000 was initially allocated from the Federation’s DREF to support the national society in its initial response

  • Operations Update no. 1 was issued on 19 February highlighting assessment done by the field assessment coordination team (FACT) and deployment of two Emergency Response Units (ERU).

  • The Emergency Appeal was launched on 1 March 2013 for CHF 2,044,428 in cash, kind, or services to support the Mozambique Red Cross Society (CVM) to assist 5,700 families in the coming 6 months. This budget includes CHF 57,191 in multilateral contributions and CHF 60.908 to cover the cost of shelter cluster coordination.

Summary: During the first two months of 2013 heavy rains fell in southern and central Mozambique and throughout the southern Africa region. These torrential rains caused destruction of houses, schools, health centres and crops, forcing the affected populations to leave their homes in search of safer areas, mainly in Maputo City, Gaza Quelimane and Inhambane Provinces.

As of 28 February, the number of affected people is 238,302. Of this number, 186,238 are displaced and 175,693 are in the Gaza province. Reportedly, 109 lives have been lost as a result of the floods. The CVM has been working since the onset of heavy rains and subsequent floods by evacuating families, providing first aid, implementing health campaigns, distributing NFIs, and participating in coordination meetings with the Government and international agencies.

CVM, with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), was involved in carrying out the operational Emergency Plan of Action in the most affected provinces (Gaza and Zambezia) to assist vulnerable families affected by the floods.

A FACT team comprising of a team leader (IFRC), relief (French Red Cross), logistics (British Red Cross/Spanish Red Cross), shelter (Australian Red Cross), emergency health (Spanish Red Cross), WatSan (Netherlands Red Cross), finance (Finnish Red Cross), and reporting (Danish Red Cross) was deployed to assist the National Society in designing the Red Cross response. CVM volunteer in Chiaquelane accommodation camp, Gaza Province. Source: IFRC 1 A Shelter Cluster Team exclusively dedicated to the task of cluster coordination, independent of IFRC and CVM operations, was deployed to work closely in support of the Mozambique Government and CVM to fulfil the mandate as shelter cluster lead agency.

During the current phase, non-food items (NFIs) such tarpaulins, shelter kits, soap, cleaning kits, water purification tablets (certeza) , Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) and volunteer equipment were prepositioned in Chokwe. Thus, distributions are taking place to the affected families that are returning to their homes and villages after the assessment made by the relief team.

The Community Health Module ERU (CHM) has been working closely with the National Society volunteers and counterparts to identify the main needs in terms of disease prevention and major public health issues in the city of Chokwe. Existing volunteers and new CVM volunteers are being trained and their activities are being coordinated with other relevant actors in the field such as UNICEF, CDC, WHO and officials from the Ministry of Health.

The Mass Sanitation Module (MSM20) ERU, in collaboration with the CHM ERU, trained CVM staff and 21 new volunteers. Refresher training was provided to 25 existing volunteers on hygiene promotion and health prevention. In addition, 30 emergency latrines were installed to increase the coverage and access for the population in the Chiaquelane camp and four latrines in Chokwe Hospital. Materials, equipment and money was provided to the CHM ERU for the cleaning up of the facilities in Chokwe.

To date, partner support has been received from Danish Red Cross, French Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross Society, Swedish Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross Society (from Canadian Government), American Red Cross, China Red Cross (Hong Kong branch), Red Cross of Monaco and VERF/WHO Voluntary Emergency Relief. The IFRC on behalf of Mozambique Red Cross would like to thank the donors for their contribution.