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Mozambique - Floods OCHA Situation Report No. 2

Mozambique - Floods
OCHA Situation Report No. 2
4 February 2000


1. This report summarises information from the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC), WFP and MSF (Belgium and Switzerland) received through the Office of the UN Resident Co-ordinator in Maputo, Mozambique.

2. Maputo province (Matutuine, Manhica, Magude and Marracuene) and Gaza province (Chibuto, Chokwe and Mabalane) are the most affected areas. Manhica and Chibuto as well as the Limpopo river basin especially around Xai-Xai are considered to be in need of emergency assistance. 18 deaths have been recorded in Maputo province.

3. In Manhica, 20,000 families are affected and 17,000 ha of cultivated land are flooded. In Gaza province, 7,000 ha of cultivated lands are affected along the dykes around Xai-Xai. INGC stated that these are preliminary figures. In Chibuto, several communities have been isolated and INGC declared a state of emergency arranging an evacuation of 6,000 people. In Mabalane, problems with drinking water and an increase in diarrhoea and malaria cases are observed.

4. In Inhambane, the Technical Commission on Emergencies has been reactivated in order to prepare for possible emergency situations. In Sofala, and Tete provinces, the situations have been normal.

5. The Government requested WFP to provide food aid for 5,000 people in Gaza province. The Government and MSF are in discussions to provide tents for the displaced people. In other areas, food assistance may be required, while there has been no formal request.

National and International Response

6. INGC has been conducting several field visits in co-operation with WFP and other agencies in affected areas. A joint mission comprised of INGC, WFO, FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture, and USAID as well as other donors will undertake a field visit to various sites in Maputo and Gaza provinces from 7-11 February. The results and findings of the mission will be shared at the forthcoming donor meeting on 15 February. Monitoring and assessing the situation is ongoing as the rainy season last until the end of March.

7. This Situation Report and further information on ongoing emergencies are also available on the OCHA Internet Website at:

Telephone number: + 41-22-917-1234
In case of emergency only: + 41 22 917 2010

Desk Officers: Mr. Klaus Wiersing/ Ms. Yasuko Sawada,
Disaster Response Branch, direct Tel: + 41 22 917 2770/1768

Contact person for the media: Mr. Donato Kiniger-Passigli, direct tel: +41-22-917-2653

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