In an area already affected by a food crisis,
floods. Around 100,000 families have been left homeless by the rising waters.
Morais Quissico, disaster coordinator for The United Methodist Church in
Mozambique, has reached affected families in Zambezia province and is preparing
a response.
In May 2002, UMCOR sent a grant to The
United Methodist Church of Mozambique to begin the second home building
project for people who were permanently displaced by the floods in 2000
and 2001. Permanent, flood-resistant homes will be built for 138 families,
a total of nearly 1000 people, in Bandua. These families are currently
living in tents. The bricks for the homes are being manufactured using
a brick-making machine previously purchased by UMCOR. The United Methodist
Church in Mozambique continues to provide food assistance and support for
community and economic development for people affected by the floods.
Please continue to give your gifts the Churchwide Appeal for Flood Recovery in Mozambique and Neighboring Countries by giving to UMCOR Advance #156500-0. One hundred percent of your gift goes to this emergency. The generous giving of United Methodists to the One Great Hour of Sharing supplements the cost of Advance gifts. Give through a local United Methodist church or send financial contributions to: UMCOR, 475 Riverside Drive, Room 330, New York, NY 10115. Call (800) 554-8583 to make a credit card donation. Click here to make a secure online gift.
Health kits are needed for Mozambique and other areas of the world. Call the UMCOR Depot at (800) 814-8765 for health kit assembly and shipping instructions or visit UMCOR's emergency kits web page. Medicine boxes are critically needed. If you are interested in the Medicine Box project, please call 212-870-3683 for further information, order a Medicine Box kit from the Service Center (800) 305-9857, or get the information on the web.